
Prikazuju se postovi od lipanj, 2018

Topic of the month: (World Cup 2018) "The most famous bad guys in the history of soccer world cups"

"The most famous bad guys in the history of soccer world cups" What's Luis Suarez going to do on this World Cup? Billions of viewers of the upcoming FIFA World Cup in Russia are preparing to cheer for their favorite teams and of course they will be watching in particular what will make the greatest rivals in the history of football, Cristiano and Lionel as it is their last opportunity to win the World Cup. I'll say it immediately, I predict that this second one with Argentina will finally succeed to make it, at the end of his career. I also believe that another finalist will be quite a surprise (England, Belgium...?) While I also predict that numerous favourites, led by Brazil and Spain, will disappoint their fans. So at the end of this championship look where I hit, and where I missed. But anyway, the world always celebrates winners and fair play. It's all too predictable, I'm more interested in that what is unexpected in football. Those non-sporting ...

Rock intro to the topic of the month – (World Cup 2018) QUEEN – We Are The Champions of Football Anthems / in ENGLISH

Rock intro to the topic of the month – World Cup 2018 QUEEN – We Are The Champions of Football Anthems However the facts about the total opus of an artist are equal and unchangeable, from whatever part of the world you read them, we all don’t have the same perception of him. In music and poetry it happens a thousand times more often than anywhere else. When you go to read a book you know who its author is, when you go to the cinema or the theater you know who is the author of the show that interests you. But music and lyrics almost always come to you alone and unannounced, and in fact they force you to immediately, without checking, create an idea of who's singing it. And even today, when it's easy to check on the internet that performer who is singing the song, often someone's radio single reminds you of somebody else. I recently looked at YouTube's Top10 songs that DELIBERATELY resemble some previous hit by another performer and hope to accomplish ...

Tema mjeseca: nogometni mundijal 2018. „Najpoznatiji negativci u povijesti nogometnih mundijala“ / na HRVATSKOM

Tema mjeseca: nogometni mundijal 2018. „Najpoznatiji negativci u povijesti nogometnih mundijala“ Što će na ovom mundijalu napraviti Luis Suarez? Milijarde gledatelja predstojećeg svjetskog nogometnog prvenstva u Rusiji pripremaju se navijati za svoje omiljene reprezentacije i naravno posebno će gledati što će napraviti najveći rivali u povijesti nogometa Cristiano i Lionel kojima su ovo zadnje prilike da osvoje SP. Evo odmah kažem, ja predviđam da će ovaj drugi s Argentinom konačno to i uspjeti na kraju svoje karijere. Vjerujem da će drugi finalist biti prilično iznenađenje (Engleska, Belgija…?) dok isto tako predviđam da će brojni favoriti na čelu s Brazilom i Španjolskom razočarati svoje navijače. Pa na kraju prvenstva pogledajte gdje sam pogodio, a gdje promašio. Ali svijet uvijek slavi pobjednike i fair-play. Sve je to previše predvidljivo, mene u nogometu više zanima ono neočekivano. Oni nenogometni ili čak antinogometni potezi o kojima se priča godinama kasnije. Oni i...