
Prikazuju se postovi od prosinac, 2017

New Stories from Žumberak, The Land of Tourism & Futurism / in ENGLISH

August Šenoa (1838-1881) Croatian writer of popular historical novels New Stories from Žumberak, The Land of Tourism and Futurism While the last I was writing about one uskok from Žumberak, Janko Šajatović Krabat, who became  celebrated abroad, primarily in German countries, this time the subject is an important and well-known Croatian writer who is not a native of Žumberak. He lived in Zagreb but was very close to this region whole his life. August Šenoa (1838-1881) is the most important Croatian writer of historical novels in the 19th century. He was not only a friend of Tadija Smičiklas, a well-known historian from Žumberak, to whom Šenoa devoted this Latinised poem, calling him "Croatian Herodotus", moreover in his historical novels, mostly placed in the 16th and 17th centuries, August Šenoa wrote about the royal soldiers from Žumberak or about uskoks, as well soldiers and occasional pirates who moved in a large number from Senj to Žumberak in t...

Nove priče iz Žumberka, zemlje turizma i futurizma / na HRVATSKOM

pisac August Šenoa Nove priče iz Žumberka, zemlje turizma i futurizma. Dok sam prošli put pisao o jednom uskoku iz Žumberka, Janku Šajatoviću Krabatu koji se proslavio u inozemstvu, prvenstveno u njemačkim zemljama, ovog puta tema je jedan važan i poznat hrvatski pisac koji nije rodom iz Žumberka već Zagreba ali je itekako povezan s ovim krajem. August Šenoa (1838-1881) najvažniji je hrvatski pisac povijesnih romana u 19. stoljeću. Ne samo da je Šenoa bio prijatelj s Tadijom Smičiklasom, poznatim povjesničarom iz Žumberka kojem je posvetio ovu latiniziranu pjesmu, nazivajući ga „hrvatskim Herodotom“, nego je u svojim povijesnim romanima koji se većinom događaju u 16. i 17. stoljeću, pisao o kraljevskim vojnicima iz Žumberka ili o uskocima, također vojnicima i povremenim gusarima koji su se iz Senja u kasnijim stoljećima u velikom broju doselili u Žumberak. Posebno je ovdje zanimljiv za prikaz Šenoin roman „Čuvaj se senjske ruke“. Taj povijesni i politički roman je ...

EVANESCENCE - Futuristic Music? (rock intro to the topic) / in ENGLISH

rock introduction to the topic EVANESCENCE - Futurist Music? This American rock group was founded in 1995 in Little Rock, Arkansas, by the singer Amy Lee and the former guitarist and composer Ben Moody when they were both just 14 years old. Both of them originally shared the songs authorship. They decided for the name Evanescence, which looks mysteriously and slightly Gothicly dark. After the first demo footage, their first real album Fallen was recorded in 2003. As they sought the way to promote their debut album, one global video game company offered them a participation on their new version of the game. The band accepted the offer and became the leading music attraction ot the market video gamers. After that the debut album has achieved a great commercial success. On the album Fallen, there was also their most successful song so far, „Bring Me To Life“, featuring guest male singer Paul McCoy from the band 12 Stones. In addition to this hit single even another successful ...

EVANESCENCE - Futuristička glazba? (rock uvod u temu) / na HRVATSKOM

rock uvod u temu: EVANESCENCE - futuristička glazba Ova američka rock grupa osnovana je 1995. u Little Rocku, Arkansas, manjoj državi podalje od velikih glazbenih središta. Osnovali su ga pjevačica Amy Lee i nekadašnji gitarist i skladatelj sastava Ben Moody kad su oboje imali 14 godina. U početku su dijelili autorstvo pjesama, a odlučili su se za ime Evanescence (isparavanje, nestajanje poput pare) jer djeluje tajanstveno i pomalo gotički mračno. Nakon više demo snimaka prvi pravi album Fallen snimili su 2003. Dok su tražili način kako promovirati debitantski album, jedna globalna tvrtka video igara ponudila im je učešće u novoj verziji svoje video igre. Sastav je prihvatio ponudu i postao glavna atrakcija na tržištu video gejmera. Nakon toga debitantski album je postigao i veliki komercijalni uspjeh. Na njemu je i njihov najveći hit, „Bring Me to Life“, koji uključuje gostujućeg pjevača, Paula McCoya iz benda 12 Stones. Osim tog hita i druga uspješna pjesma s albuma, „My ...